Our Environment

Climate and environmental change is an important topic these days. It is easy to be weighed down with gloomy scientific predictions on a global scale which we have no power to influence. But there are many ways we can make a difference by taking action at a local level and Bodicote Parish Council is always looking at ways to do just that. 

We have now taken over the stewardship of the Bodicote Circular Walk and have commissioned a beautifully illustrated map and improved signage to encourage people to get out and enjoy our surrounding countryside and the wildlife and scenery, and innovations and improvements will continue to be made to make our rural landscape more accessible for everyone.

But we all have a part to play no matter how small and we can all make a difference. Obviously we must look at keeping our local environment clean and litter free. There are plenty of litter bins and dog waste bins around the village and it is pleasing to see that for the most part they are used and the village is very well-kept. For rubbish that doesn't find its way into the proper bin we employ a part-time litter picker who does a very good job of clearing it up. The bigger picture means that we all need to look at recycling and reusing as much as possible.


On a more personal level, those of us lucky enough to have a garden can make a big difference with small changes. Creating a wildlife habitat in part of your garden will encourage bees and butterflies, insects and birds – all essential to our world and unfortunately suffering dwindling numbers in recent years. Choosing plants for your garden that attract our wildlife is a practical and beautiful way to help our environment and brings huge pleasure for everyone. We can achieve continuity by getting together with neighbours to create a community project including log piles, nettle patches, wildflower areas and hedgehog corridors.

Bodicote Parish Council will make our environment a priority over the coming years and will encourage and involve local organisations and community initiatives. Keep an eye on this page for any upcoming projects. We are excited at the prospect of being able to help in some small way to preserving and improving our environment now and for future generations.

If you have any ideas for projects or initiatives involving our village environment please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.